
New to back-propagation and neural networks?

Try a simple binary classification task!

Binary classification is a foundational problem that helps beginners grasp the concept of forward and backward passes in a neural network during backpropagation.

Here's a step-by-step breakdown of the problem:

Problem: Binary Classification with a Neural Network

Task: Given input data with two features and corresponding binary labels (0 or 1), build a neural network that can predict the correct class label based on the input features.


  1. Data Preparation: Create a small dataset with a few examples. Each example should have two input features and a corresponding binary label.

  2. Neural Network Architecture: Design a simple feedforward neural network architecture with an input layer, one or two hidden layers (with a small number of neurons), and an output layer with a single neuron (since it's a binary classification problem).

  3. Activation Function: Choose an activation function for the hidden layers, such as the sigmoid or ReLU (Rectified Linear Unit) function.

  4. Loss Function: Select a suitable loss function for binary classification, like binary cross-entropy.

  5. Forward Pass: Implement the forward pass, where you calculate the output of the neural network given input features.

  6. Loss Calculation: Calculate the loss using the chosen loss function by comparing the predicted output to the actual label.

  7. Backpropagation: Implement the backpropagation algorithm to compute the gradients of the loss with respect to the model's parameters. This involves calculating the gradient of the loss at the output layer and propagating it backward through the hidden layers.

  8. Parameter Update: Use the gradients calculated during backpropagation to update the model's parameters using gradient descent or a similar optimization algorithm.

  9. Training Loop: Iterate through your dataset multiple times (epochs), performing forward passes, backpropagation, and parameter updates in each iteration.

  10. Evaluation: After training, evaluate the model's performance on a separate validation or test dataset. Calculate metrics like accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-score to assess the model's classification performance.

New to OpenAI?

Follow the two-part recipe to get your own free research assistant!

  1. Understanding OpenAI Capabilities: Familiarize yourself with the types of tasks OpenAI can assist with, such as answering questions, providing explanations, generating text, and more. Understand the strengths and limitations of the technology to set realistic expectations.

  1. Accessing OpenAI Platform: Gain access to the OpenAI platform by signing up or logging into your OpenAI account. Depending on the version of the API or toolkits available, you might need to follow specific registration and subscription processes.

  2. Selecting the Right Tool or API: Depending on your research questions and needs, choose the appropriate tool or API from OpenAI's offerings. For example, GPT-3 can be used for generating text, while specialized models might be available for specific tasks like image analysis or translation.

  3. Formulating Your Research Question: Clearly define the research question or task you need assistance with. Be as specific as possible to get accurate and relevant results. Decide on the input format and context you'll provide to the OpenAI model to get the best possible response.

  4. Constructing Input Prompts: Create input prompts that effectively convey your research question or task to the OpenAI model. Craft your prompts in a way that provides context and guidance for the desired output. Experiment with different phrasings to find the most effective prompt.

  5. Making API Requests: If you're using an API, write the necessary code to send requests to the OpenAI server. Make sure you follow the API documentation to understand how to structure your requests and handle responses. OpenAI provides code examples for various programming languages to guide you.

  6. Interpreting and Refining Results: Review the generated responses from OpenAI and assess their relevance and accuracy in addressing your research question. Depending on the quality of the initial output, you might need to iterate by refining your prompts, adjusting parameters, or using a different approach.

To elicit clear, accurate, and comprehensive replies from OpenAI, it's crucial to craft well-structured prompts that provide the right context, input format, and guidance. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to achieve this:

  1. Understand Your Task: Clearly define the task or question you want OpenAI to assist with. Understand the specific information or output you need from the model.

  2. Set the Context: Start your prompt with a brief context or introduction that outlines the background of the question. This helps the model understand the context of your inquiry and provide more relevant answers.

  3. State the Task Explicitly: Clearly state the task or question you want the model to address. Use concise and straightforward language to communicate your intention. For example, "Please explain the process of photosynthesis" or "Provide an overview of quantum mechanics."

  4. Provide Guidelines: If you have specific requirements for the response, make them explicit in the prompt. For example, you can instruct the model to provide step-by-step instructions, a concise summary, pros and cons, or real-life examples related to the topic.

  5. Use Examples or Scenarios: If applicable, provide examples, scenarios, or specific cases related to your question. This helps the model understand the context better and tailor the response accordingly.

  6. Ask for Clarifications (Optional): If your question is complex or multifaceted, consider breaking it down into sub-questions or asking the model to elaborate on specific aspects. This can lead to more detailed and focused responses.

  7. Adjust Prompt Length: Balance the length of your prompt. While providing context is important, an excessively long prompt might dilute the clarity. Aim for a prompt that succinctly conveys the context and the task.

  8. Experiment and Iterate: Crafting effective prompts often involves some trial and error. Experiment with different phrasings, instructions, and formatting. Iteratively refine your prompts based on the quality of responses you receive.

  9. Incorporate System Messages (if using Chat models): For conversation-based models, use system-level instructions to guide the conversation. These can set the behavior of the assistant, such as "You are an expert in biology" or "Please provide a detailed explanation."

  10. Check and Verify Responses: After receiving a response, carefully review it to ensure it addresses your question accurately and comprehensively. If needed, you can also ask follow-up questions to clarify or expand on specific points.

Initiating an NLP Project can be accomplished using the same general framework used to make the Stanford Parser. Check out the timeline for more on this!

  1. Know the content: Linguistic Formalism Understanding means to gain a deep understanding of linguistic theories and formalisms such as context-free grammars, dependency grammars, and constituency grammars. These concepts are the foundation for parsing sentences. In other words, What is your “corpus'“ of words generally talking about? This will help in the training algorithm phase a bit.

  2. Identify keyword pairings with Feature Extraction: Identify relevant features from input sentences. These can include word embeddings, part-of-speech tags, and syntactic features. Use tools like word2vec or GloVe to convert words into high-dimensional vectors, enabling mathematical analysis. You can use Python libraries for this, and back in the old days we used a highliter!

  3. Be careful of special characters “e.g., an apostrophe” are accounted for Grammar Representation: Represent the grammar rules using mathematical structures like context-free grammars or dependency trees. These structures define the syntactic relationships between words in a sentence. The algorithm and code you pick will do this part for you with exceptions, so you need to be aware of it for data normalization.

  4. These last two steps are good to know on your recipe list for conducting NLP research. The computer does a lot for you, but humans are behind the math foundations!

    Parsing Algorithms: Implement parsing algorithms like CYK (Cocke-Younger-Kasami) for constituency parsing or arc-eager or arc-standard algorithms for dependency parsing. These algorithms use dynamic programming, transition-based methods, and mathematical rules to build parse trees or dependency graphs.

    Machine Learning and Optimization: Apply machine learning techniques to train and optimize the parser. Use annotated training data to learn parameters, such as parsing rules and weights, using algorithms like maximum entropy models or neural networks. Regularization and optimization methods like stochastic gradient descent help fine-tune the parser's performance.